The Madhya Pradesh government on Friday announced a reward of Rs 1 crore to hockey player Vivek Sagar Prasad, who was part of the Indian men's team that won a bronze medal in the Paris Olympics. India won its second consecutive bronze medal in the Olympics by beating Spain 2-1 for the first time in 52 years on Thursday. Chief Minister Mohan Yadav congratulated Prasad, who hails from Madhya Pradesh.
In a telephonic conversation with the player, Yadav said, "It was a good performance. The entire nation is happy with all of you. Congratulations to you and the entire team for this success. The Madhya Pradesh government will transfer Rs 1 crore to your account as a reward." "You are working as an honourable deputy superintendent of police (DSP), and now the state will reward you with Rs 1 crore," he said.
A native of Itarsi in Narmadapuram district, Prasad was also part of the Olympics 2020 (Tokyo) hockey team that clinched the bronze medal.